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  1. Retinopathy of Prematurity in Very Low Birthweight Neonates of Gestation Less Than 32 weeks in Malaysia
  2. Preventing Childhood Neurodisability
  3. Early-onset sepsis in Malaysian neonatal intensive care units
  4. An Observational Study of Therapeutic Hypothermia and Factors Associated With Mortality in Late-Preterm and Term Neonates With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in a Middle-Income Country
  5. Ten-year trend of care practices, morbidities and survival of very preterm neonates in the Malaysian National Neonatal Registry: a retrospective cohort study
  6. Preliminary report on factors influencing length of stay in ventilated Meconium Aspiration Syndrome survivors in MNNR 2008 to 2016. Jimmy KF Lee, Seok Chiong Chee, Irene GS Cheah, Steering Committee Malaysian National Neonatal Registry ( MNNR) . Presented at the 25th Regional Congress of the Perinatal Society of Malaysia
  7. Preliminary report on risk factors for mortality of ventilated Meconium Aspiration Syndrome neonates. Jimmy KF Lee, Seok Chiong Chee, Irene GS Cheah, Steering Committee Malaysian National Neonatal Registry ( MNNR) . Presented at the 25th Regional Congress of the Perinatal Society of Malaysia
  8. Preliminary report on the promising trend of disease burden in ventilated Meconium Aspiration Syndrome neonates. Jimmy KF Lee, Seok Chiong Chee, Irene GS Cheah, Steering Committee Malaysian National Neonatal Registry ( MNNR) . Presented at the 25th Regional Congress of the Perinatal Society of Malaysia
  9. Journal of Paediatrics and child health-Risk factors associated with pneumothorax in Malaysian neonatal-Nem-Yun Boo and Irene Guat-Sim Cheah, for the Malaysian National Neonatal Registry
  10. Singapore Medical Journal-Risk factors associated with necrotising enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants in Malaysian neonatal intensive care units intensive care units-Nem-Yun Boo, MRCP, FRCPCH, Irene Guat Sim Cheah, MRCP, FRCPCH; Malaysian National Neonatal Registry
  11. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics - Neural Tube Defects in Malaysia: Data from the Malaysian National Neonatal Registry - by Nem-Yun Boo, Irene G. S. Cheah, Meow-Keong Thong, and for Malaysian National Neonatal Registry
  12. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics - Admission Hypothermia among VLBW Infants in Malaysian NICUs - by Nem-Yun Boo, and Irene Guat-Sim Cheah for Malaysian National Neonatal Registry
  13. Risk factors associated with outcomes of very low birthweight infants in four Asian countries. - by WMV Wariki, R Mori, NY Boo, IGS Cheah, M Fujimura, J Lee, Wong KY
  14. Factors associated with inter-institutional variations in sepsis rates of very-low-birth-weight infants in 34 Malaysian neonatal intensive care units - by Boo NY, Cheah IG
  15. Factors associated with inter-institutional variations in sepsis rates of very-low-birth-weight infants in 34 Malaysian neonatal intensive care units - by Nem-Yun Boo, Irene Guat-Sim Cheah
  16. Impact and Challenges of Early Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy for Very Low Birth Weight Neonates in a Developing Country - by Boo N.-Y. , Cheah I.G.-S., Neoh S.-H., Chee S.-C
  17. The burden of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in Malaysian neonatal intensive care units - by Nem-Yun Boo, Irene Guat-Sim Cheah




Annual Reports





Report of Pilot Study -
October to December 2002

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2004

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2005


2007 2008


Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2006

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2007

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2008


2011 2012



Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2010

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2011

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2012




Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2013

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2014

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2015




Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2016

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2017

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2018





Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2019

Report of the Malaysian
National Neonatal Registry 2020

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