Retinoblastoma Registry
Retinoblastoma (RB)
is the most common intraocular malignant tumour encountered in
children. Without early diagnosis and proper treatment, RB
results in visual impairment or blindness. Untreated, the
disease is fatal. With early diagnosis, eyes and lives can be
saved for all affected.
RB affects between 1 in 14,000 to 1 in 20,000 live births
depending on the country. Currently, there are no data available
on the incidence, prevalence and diseases characteristics of RB
in Malaysia. This registry is developed to have database on the
magnitude and pattern, as well as mode of treatment and outcome
of RB in Malaysia.
Objectives of
RB Registry
1. |
To determine the incidence and distribution of
retinoblastoma in different states in Malaysia |
2. |
To determine the ethnic specific prevalence of
retinoblastoma in Malaysia |
3. |
To study characteristics of RB patients in terms of
clinical presentation, diseases stages based on
International Intraocular Retinoblastoma
Classification |
4. |
To evaluate types of treatments and monitor
treatment trends |
5. |
To evaluate treatment outcomes including
complications related to treatment |
All ophthalmology departments at MOH and university
hospitals are invited to participate in this retinoblastoma
Inclusion criteria: All patients who were diagnosed to have
Downloadable Data Collection Form
Retinoblastoma Registry
Form (PDF 70 Kb)
Data Definition (PDF 158 Kb)
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is a disease clinical database, designed as
a prospective, ongoing systematic collection of data pertaining to
specific visual threatening eye diseases, such as cataract, diabetic
retinopathy, glaucoma, contact lens related corneal ulcer, and
outcome of cataract surgery.