# |
Journals |
Year |
1. |
Role of Gender, Age and Ethnicities on Visual Reaction Time and Visual Anticipation Time of Junior Athletes
Kuan Yau Meng, Nurul Atikah Zuhairi, Faudziah Abd Manan, Victor Feizal Knight, Mohd Nizar Ahmad Padri, Rokiah Omar. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(5) March 2015, Pages: 129-134
2015 |
2. |
The Malaysian Cataract Surgery Registry: Cataract
Surgery Practice Pattern
2015 |
3. |
Posterior Capsule Rupture during Phacoemulsification among Patients with Pseudoexfoliation - Is There A Correlation ?
Thevi Thanigasalam, Soumendra Sahoo, Htoo Htoo Ktaw Soe
Malays J Med Sci. Jul-Aug 2014;21(4):51-53
2014 |
4. |
Low vision rehabilitation and ocular problems among industrial workers in a developing country
Omar R, Knight VF, Aziz Mohammed MA. Malays Fam Physician. 2014;9(3):27-33.
2014 |
5. |
Elektroretinogram Multifokus (mfERG): Data Piawai Makmal bagi Kanak-kanak Berusia 6-12 Tahun
(Multifocal Electroretinogram (mfERG): The Laboratory Standard Values for Children Aged 6-12 Years Old)
Norlaila Mat Daud , Rokiah Omar, Yanti Rosli, Jamaliah Rahmat. Sains Malaysiana 43(11)(2014): 1725–1728
2014 |
6. |
Visual Reaction Time Characteristics in School Children Athletes Attending a National Sport School
Rokiah Omar, Kuan Yau Meng, Nurul Atikah Zuhair, Faudziah Abd Manan, Victor Feizal Knight and Mohd Nizar Ahmad Padzi. Movement, Health & Exercise (MoHE) Conference 2014. Paper 16. Paper ID: MoHE066
2014 |
7. |
Quantification of dark adaptation dynamics in retinitis pigmentosa using non-linear regression analysis
Rokiah Omar, PhD. Peter Herse, PhD. Clin Exp Optom 2004; 87: 6: 386-389
2014 |
8. |
The Changing Pattern of Cataract
Surgery Indications
2014 |
9. |
Definisi Miopia Menggunakan Retinoskopi Tanpa Sikoplegia dalam Kalangan Pelajar Melayu
(Definition of Myopia Using Retinoscopy Without Cycloplegia in Malay Schoolchildren)
Saadah Mohamed Akhir, Norhani Mohidin, Norliza Md Fadzil, Rokiah Omar. Sains Malaysiana 42(6)(2013): 753–758
2013 |
10. |
The Outcome Of Combining Home Based And Clinical Based Amblyopia Therapy Among Preschool Children
Rokiah Omar, PhD , Victor Feizal Knight MBBS, MHP, Duratul Ain Hussin BOptom, MSc. . Med J Malaysia. Vol 68 No 3 June 2013.
2013 |
11. |
Comparison of Lea Symbols Chart and Sheridan Gardiner Chart in Assessing Vision Screening among Pre-School Children: A Malaysia Perspective
Duratul Ain Hussin BOptom, MSc, Victor Feizal Knight MBBS, MHP, Rokiah Omar BOptom, PhD J Med Assoc Thai 2012; 95 (3): 412-7
2012 |
12. |
Variasi dalam Pengukuran Elektroretinogram Paten [Variation in Measurement of Pattern Electroretinogram (pERG)]
Shaznida Ghulam, Norhani Mohidin & Rokiah Omar. Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia 10 (2) 2012: 31-36
2012 |
13. |
Comparison of reading performance between visually impaired and normally sighted students in Malaysia
Zainora Mohammed, Rokiah Omar. British Journal of Visual Impairment September 2011 vol. 29 no. 3 196-207
2011 |
14. |
Gangguan Penglihatan dan Kualiti Hidup Warga Emas di Pusat Jagaan
(Visual Impairment and Quality of Life Among Elderlies in Nursing Home)
Rokiah Omar, Victor Feizal Knight, Nur Zakiah Mohd Saat, Sazlina Kamaralzaman , Sharifah N Syed Alwi. Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia 9 (1) 2011: 23-27
2011 |
15. |
Opacification of AcriFlex 50CSE hydrophilic acrylic
intraocular lenses
Andrew Keat
Eu Lim, FRCS, Pik Pin Goh, FRCS, Ramlee Azura, M.Surg,
Ismail Mariam, FRCOphth. J Cataract Refract Surg 2011;
37:655–659 Q 2011 ASCRS and ESCRS
2011 |
16. |
Low vision rehabilitation can improve quality of life
Rokiah Omar. Social Welfare Journal 36 , Jun 2010 (6) :99 -110
2010 |
17. |
Self-Reported Oral Hygiene Practices and Periodontal Status of Visually Impaired Adults
Tuti Ningseh Mohd-Dom, Rokiah Omar, Nor Aida Abdul Malik, Khairunnisa Saiman, Nu'amirazura Rahmat. Global Journal of Health Science, Vol. 2, No. 2; October 2010 |
2010 |
18. |
Retinoblastoma Registry Report - Hospital Kuala Lumpur Experience
Jamalia R, Sunder R, Alagaratnam J et al. Med J Malaysia Vol 65 Supplement A
2010 |
19. |
Contact Lens - Related Corneal Ulcer: A Two-Year Review
Goh PP, Shamala R, Chandamalar S, et al on behalf of National Eye Database Study Group. Med J Malaysia Vol 65 Supplement A |
2010 |
20. |
Audit of Diabetic Retinopathy referrals to Penang Hospital, a Tertiary Ophthalmology Centre in Malaysia.
Andrew Keat Eu Lim, Keat Ween Khaw. Asian J Opthmal |
2010 |
21. |
Penyebab Masalah Penglihatan di Kalangan Kanak-kanak Prasekolah di Daerah Sitiawan, Perak, Malaysia
(Causes of Visual Impairment Among Pre-School Children in Sitiawan District, Perak, Malaysia)
Duratul Ain Hussin, Rokiah Omar, Victor Feizal Knight. Sains Malaysiana 38(6)(2009): 959–964
2009 |
22. |
Keberkesanan Penggunaan Alat Bantuan Penglihatan Terhad
(Effectiveness of Low Vision Devices in a Special Education School)
Rokiah Omar, Victor Feizal Knight , Zainora Mohammed. Sains Malaysiana 38(5)(2009): 799–804 |
2009 |
23. |
Profile of low vision children in the Special Education schools in Malaysia
R Omar, PhD, Z Mohammed, PhD, V F Knight, MHP, M H Basrul, BOptom. Med J Malaysia. Vol 64 No 4 December 2009. |
2009 |
24. |
Profil Gangguan Visual di Kalangan Kanak-kanak Prasekolah
(Profile of Visual Impairment Among Preschool Children)
Ahmad Fadzil MH and Nugroho HA. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering |
2009 |
25. |
CUSUM: A Dynamic Tool for Monitoring Competency in Cataract Surgery Performance.
Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Pik Pin Goh, Teck Onn Lim |
2009 |
26. |
Retinal vasculature enhancement using independent component analysis
Ahmad Fadzil MH and Nugroho HA. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering |
2009 |
27. |
Penilaian tahap kualiti hidup di kalangan albino
Omar, R.& Fatin Nur Najwa, N. Sihat2008, 145 – 147. |
2008 |
28. |
The Causes of Low Vision and Pattern of Prescribing at UKM Low Vision Clinic
(Penyebab Penglihatan Terhad dan Corak Mempreskripsi di Klinik Penglihatan Terhad UKM )
Rokiah Omar, Victor Feizal Knight , Zainora Mohammed. Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia 6 (2) 2008: 55-64 |
2008 |
29. |
National Eye Database - A Web Based Surveillance System
Goh P P, Elias H, NorFariza N, Mariam I, on behalf of the National Eye Database Steering Committee Med J Malaysia Vol 63 Supplement C, September 2008 pg 20 |
2008 |
30. |
Status of Diabetic Retinopathy Among Diabetics Registered to the Diabetic Eye Registry, National Eye Database, 2007
Goh P P, for the National Eye Database Study Group Med J Malaysia Vol 63 Supplement C, September 2008 pg 24 |
2008 |
31. |
Ciri Kanak-kanak Berpenglihatan Terhad di Klinik Penglihatan Terhad UKM
Rokiah Omar, Victor Feizal Knight , Zainora Mohammed , Tholasee, G. M. Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia 5 (1) 2007: 37-45 |
2007 |
32. |
Extraction and reconstruction of retinal vasculature
Ahmad Fadzil MH, Izhar LI, Venkatachalam PA and Karunakar TVN. Journal of Medical Engineering Technology |
2007 |
33. |
Color vision deficiency in retinitis pigmentosa
Rokiah Omar, Peter Herse, Stephan Dain. International Congress Series 1282 (2005) 684–688
2005 |
34. |
Relationship between vision and reading performance among low vision students
Goh PP, Abqariah Y, Pokharel GP, Ellwein LB Ophthalmology 2005; 112: 678-685
2005 |
35. |
Refractive Error and Visual Impairment in School-Age Children in Gombak District, Malaysia
Goh PP, Abqariah Y, Pokharel GP, Ellwein LB Ophthalmology 2005; 112: 678-685
2005 |
36. |
Cost Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness of Cataract Surgery at the Malaysian Ministry Of Health Ophthalmic Services
Loo CY, Kandiah M, Arumugam G, Goh PP, John E, Gurusami B, Kumar T. V , Karunakar TVN, Soraya A, Lim TO. International J Ophthalmology 2004; 25: 81-87 |
2004 |
37. |
Prevalence of blindness and low vision in Malaysian population:results from the National Eye Survey 1996
Zainal M, Ismail SM, Ropilah AR, Elias H, Arumugam G, Alias D, Fathilah J, Lim TO, Ding LM, Goh PP. Br J Ophthalmol 2002;86:951-956 |
2004 |
Case Report
# |
Report |
Year |
1. |
Long Term Outcome in Unilaterally Treated Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Case Report
Mushawiahti M, Rokiah O, Umi KMN, Leow SN. Med & Health 2014; 9(2): 134-138
2014 |
2. |
Mental health state and quality of life questionnaire in low vision assessment: a case report
Rokiah Omar , Mohd Harimi Abd Rahman, Victor Feizal Knight, Mushawiahti Mustaphal, Zainora Mohammed. BMC Research Notes 2014, 7:667
2014 |
3. |
Management of visual disturbances in albinism: a case report
Rokiah Omar, Siti Salwa Idris, Chung Kah Meng, Victor Feizal Knight. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2012, 6:316
2012 |
4. |
Overt conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma: case report
Ching Wei Lim, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Mohtar Ibrahim. Int Eye Sci: Vol 12 No 2 Feb 2012
2012 |
5. |
Pseudophacoecele Following Blunt Ocular Trauma.
Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Asokumaran T, Intan Gudom. Med J Malaysia Vol 66 No 1 March 2011
2011 |
6. |
Involvement of Superior Rectus Muscle in Pansinusitis.
Shin Wei Pan, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Raja Azmi Mohd Nor. International Journal of Ophthalmology. DOI:10.3969/j.issn. 1672-5123.2011.03.05
2010 |
7. |
Iris abscess and bilateral endogenous endophthalmitis in a patient with acute infective endocarditis.
AK Tan, PS Mallika, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, T Asok, G Intan. Asian J Ophthalmol. 2010;11:112-5.
2010 |
8. |
Central retinal artery occlusion and ophthalmoplegia following spinal surgery in the prone position.
T Asok, S Aziz, HA Faisal, AK Tan, PS Mallika. Med J Malaysia 2009;64(4);263-64.
2009 |
9. |
Orbital cellulitis complicated by subperiosteal abscess in a neonate with ethmoiditis.
Mallika Premsenthil, Tan Aik Kah, Aziz Salowi, Vanitha Ratnalingam, Tan Tee Yong, Humayun Faisal. HK J Paediatr (new series) 2009;14:275-278
2009 |
10. |
Posterior scleritis mimicking as indirect carotico-cavernous fistula.
Tan Aik Kah, Mallika Premsenthil, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Intan Gudom. Internet Journal of Ophthalmology Journal and visual sciences. 2009;9(1): 1-5
2009 |
11. |
The Importance of Ophthalmic Signs in the Diagnosis of Suprasellar Meningioma – a case report.
AK Tan, PS Mallika, S Aziz, T Asok, G Intan. Malaysian Family Physician. 2009; 4(1)
2012 |
12. |
Occult Open Globe Injury in a Patient With Corneal Foreign Body–Cornea.
Tan Ai Kah, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Julian Tagal et al. 28(10):1164-1166, December 2009
2009 |
13. |
Penetrating Ocular Injury by Durian Fruit.
Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Asokumaran T, Intan Gudom. Malaysian Journal of Medicine. 2009; 64(3)
2009 |
published in peer reviewed journals by doctors working at
Ophthalmology Departments, MOH and universities in Malaysia
# |
Published in Journal by Ophthalmology Department, MOH |
1. |
2021 |
1. |
Comparison of cataract surgery refractive outcomes in a tertiary hospital and an outreach cataract service centre.
Kumaresan Soundararajan, Mohammad Aziz Salowi, Norlina Ramli, Nor Fariza Ngah
13. Med J Malaysia Vol 76 No 1 January 2021 |
2. |
Visual outcomes after Phacoemulsification with Intraocular Implantation surgeries among patients with and without Diabetes Mellitus, Lim Jie Jie, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Tassha Hilda Adnan, Nor’aini Anuar, Nor Fariza Ngah, May May Choo.
Med J Malaysia Vol 76 No 2 March 2021 |
3. |
Eye acupuncture in Malaysia: the need for guidelines, regulation and enforcement.
Mohamad Aziz Salowi,
Malaysian Journal of Ophthalmology 2020; 1:6-8 Editorial |
2018 |
1. |
Catquest-9SF questionnaire: validation of Malay and Chinese-language versions using Rasch analysis;
Tassha Hilda Adnan, Mokhlisoh Mohamed Apandi, Haireen Kamaruddin, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Kian Boon Law, Jamaiyah Haniff and Pik Pin Goh.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2018) 16:5, DOI 10.1186/s12955-017-0833-3 |
2. |
Estimates of visual impairment and its causes from the National Eye Survey in Malaysia (NESII). Fiona L. M. Chew, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Zuraidah Mustari, Mohd Aziz Husni, Elias Hussein, Tassha Hilda Adnan, Nor Fariza Ngah, Hans Limburg, Pik-Pin Goh
PLOS ONE | June 26, 2018 |
3. |
The Malaysian cataract surgery registry: incidence and risk factors of postoperative infectious endophthalmitis over a 7-year period.
Yong Zheng Wai ,Fiona Lee Min Chew, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Chai Liang Ang, Yong Yuin Chong, Tassha Hilda Adnan, Pik-Pin Goh.
Int J Ophthalmol, Vol. 11, No. 10, Oct.18, 2018 |
4. |
The elephant in the room- Universal coverage for Costly treatments in an upper middle income country. RP Kaur, GF Ho, MY Mastura, PP Goh, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, AH Muhd. Radzi, Anwar Hau, Jameela Sathar, Z Robaayah, Benedict Selladurai, Abu Bakar Suleiman, Zaki Morad, A Ghazali, TO Lim.
doi: |
2017 |
1. |
The Malaysian Cataract Surgery Registry: risk Indicators for posterior capsular rupture.
Mohamad Aziz Salowi,Fiona L M Chew,Tassha Hilda Adnan,Mariam Ismail,Pik-Pin Goh.
Br J Ophthalmol 2017;0:1–5 |
2. |
The effect of patching on clear corneal incision in phacoemulsification: A randomised controlled trial: Asia Pacific Fui Lee Ho, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, MAe-Lynn Catherine Bastione
Journal of Ophthalmology 2017;6:429-434 |
2015 |
1. |
The Malaysian Cataract Surgery Registry: Profile of Patients Presenting for Cataract Surgery.
Salowi MA, Goh PP, Lee MY, Adnan TH, Ismail M. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila). 2015 Jul-Aug;4(4):191-6 |
2. |
Orbital compartment syndrome in idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease: A case report. Kiew Ing Tiong, Aziz S, Hazlita Isa.
Med J Malaysia Vol 70 No 5 October 2015 |
2014 |
1. |
The Changing Pattern of Cataract Surgery Indications - A 5-Year Study of 2 Cataract Surgery Databases.
Mats Lundström, Pik-Pin Goh, Ype Henry, Mohamad A. Salowi, Peter Barry, Sonia Manning, Paul Rosen, Ulf Stenevi, Ophthalmology 2014;-:1-8 @ 2014 |
2. |
The Malaysian Cataract Surgery Registry: Cataract Surgery Practice Pattern. Lee, Ming-Yueh; Goh, Pik-Pin; Salowi, Mohamad Aziz; Adnan, Tassha Hilda; Ismail, Mariam.
Asia-Pac J Ophthalmol 2014;3: 343-347 |
2010 |
1. |
CUSUM: A Dynamic Tool for Monitoring Competency in Cataract Surgery Performance
Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Yee-Foong Choong, Pik-Pin Goh, Mariam Ismail, Teck-Onn Lim. Br J Ophthalmol 2010;94:445-449 |
2. |
Thyroid Associated Ophthalmopathy – a review. PS Mallika, AK Tan, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, SAR Syed Alwi, MS Chong, R Vanitha, G Intan.
Malaysian Family Physician. 2009; 4(1) |
2009 |
1. |
Chemical eye Injury.
Mallika Premsenthil, Tan Aik Kah, Aziz Salowi, Asok Thanaraj, Intan Gudom. J Occu Safety Health 6(2): 85-91, 2009 |
2. |
Thyroid Associated Ophthalmopathy – a review. PS Mallika, AK Tan, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, SAR Syed Alwi, MS Chong, R Vanitha, G Intan.
Malaysian Family Physician. 2009; 4(1) |
2008 |
1. |
Pattern of Ocular Trauma in
Kuching, Malaysia.
Mallika PS,
Tan AK, Asok T, Faisal HA, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Intan G Malaysian Family Physician.2008;3(3) 140-45 |
2. |
Ethambutol Ocular Toxicity in a
Patient with Pulmonary
Tuberculosis- A case report. AK Tan, PS Mallika, S Aziz
MS, T Asok, Intan G
Family Physician. 2008;3(2):87-90 |
3. |
The Role of Ultrasonographic Biomicroscopy in
the management of a patient with presumed Dematiaceous Mycotic
Keratitis. Tan Aik Kah, Mallika Premsenthil ,Mohamad Aziz Salowi,
Asokumaran Thanaraj, Intan Gudom.
The Internet Journal of Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2009. Volume 6
Number 2. |
4. |
Outcome for Patients with Retinitis Sclopetaria
following Blunt Ocular Trauma
Mohamad Aziz
Salowi, Kian-Seng Lim.
Asian J Ophthalmol. 2008;10:21-3 |
5. |
Neonatal conjunctivitis- a review. Malaysian Family
Mallika PS, Asok T, Faisal HA, Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Tan
AK, Intan G.
2008;3(2) |
6. |
National Eye Database – A Web Based Surveillance System
P P Goh, H
Elias, N NorFariza, I Mariam, on behalf of the National
Eye Database Steering Committee
Med J Malaysia Vol 63 Supplement C September 2008:20-23 |
7. |
Status of Diabetic Retinopathy Among Diabetics
Registered to the Diabetic Eye Registry, National Eye
Database, 2007
P P Goh, for
the National Eye Database Study Group
Med J Malaysia Vol 63 Supplement C September 2008: 24-28 |
2007 |
1. |
Neurotrophic Keratitis Secondary to Electrocution Injury
Mohamad Aziz
Salowi, Choong Yee Fong. Asian J Ophthalmol.
2007;9:39-40 |
2. |
Keratouveitis Following a Contralateral Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus – Digital
Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Wan Zalina Zain.Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 13: Number 1. |
3. |
Palpebral Pleomorphic Rhabdomyosarcoma in a Teenager.
Alhady M, Ngo CT, Tan AK, Swethadri GK, Chua CN.
2007 Feb;21(2):291-3. |
4. |
Use of 18-gauge Intravenous Catheter Needle for
Frontalis Suspension in Children with Congenital Ptosis.
Alhady M, Ngo CT, Tan AK, Chua CN.
Eye. 2007
Feb;21(2):308-9. |
5. |
Chromosome 13q Deletion with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Phenotype. Ngo CT, Alhady M, Tan AK, Norlasiah IS, Ong
GB, Chua CN.
Med J Malaysia 2007 March; 62(1): 74-75. |
10. |
2006 |
1. |
Ethnicity-specific prevalences of refractive errors vary in Asian children in neighboring Malaysia and Singapore
Seang-Mei Saw, Pik-Pin Goh, Angela Cheng, Anoop Shankar,
Donald TH Tan, Leon Ellwein.
Br. J. Ophthalmol.
2006 |
2. |
A Comparison of Autorefraction and Subjective Refraction With and Without
Cycloplegia in Primary School Children
Choong YF, Chen Ai Hong, Goh PP.American Journal of
Ophthalmology, 142, 68-74 2006 |
3. |
Goh PP, Mariam I * Visual impairment and refractive
error among school children in Malaysia: Ophthalmic &
Physiological Optics. 26 Suppl. 1:49, September 2006 |
4. |
Bilateral Traumatic Dislocation of Lens and Giant Retinal Tears in a Patient with Tourrette Syndrome.
Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Lim Kian Seng, Vasantha Kumar.Asian J Ophthalmol. 2006;8:113-4 |
5. |
Correctable and Non-Correctable Visual Impairment next term in Population-Based Sample of 12-Year-Old Australian Children
Dana Robaei MBBS, MPHa, Son C. Huynh MBBS, MMeda,
Annette Kifley MBBS, MAppStata and Paul Mitchell MD,
PhD, FRANZCO.American Journal of Ophthalmology.Volume 142, Issue 1, July 2006, Page 112 |
11. |
2005 |
1. |
Refractive error and visual impairment in
school age children in Gombak District Goh Pik Pin, Abqariyah Yahya, Gopal Pokharel, Leon B
2005;112: 678-685 |
2. |
National Cataract Surgery Registry 2002-2003– Profile Of
Patients Presenting For Cataract Surgery .
Rajalakshmi G , Goh PP , Mariam I.
Am J Ophthal 2005;
139: S1 (supplement) |
3. |
National Cataract Surgery Registry 2002-2003 – A Report
Of Clinical Outcome. Yen SS, Goh P P, Mariam I.
Am J Ophthal 2005; 139: S2 (supplement) |
4. |
National Cataract Surgery Registry: Cataract Surgery in Diabetes Mellitus.
Tara M G, Rampal S L, Choong Y F, Goh PP.Am J Ophthal 2005; 139: S2 (supplement) |
5. |
National Cataract Surgery Registry (NCSR) - Types Of Anaesthesia And Intra-Operative Complications.
Li Chang, Choong Y F, Goh PP.Am J Ophthal. 2005 139:
S3 (supplement) |
6. |
National Cataract Surgery Registry 2002-2003 – The Risk Of Acute Endophthalmitis Following Cataract Surgery.
Goh PP, Rampal S L, Choong YF.Am J Ophthal 2005; 139: S4
(supplement) |
7. |
National Cataract Surgery Registry 2002-2003 - Predictors for Poor Visual Outcome
Goh PP, Rampal S L, Choong YFAm J Ophthal 2005; 139: S4 (supplement) |
8. |
National Cataract Surgery Registry –Cataract Surgery Practice Pattern and Its Trend in Malaysia
Shamala R, Goh P P, Mariam I.Am J Ophthal 2005; 139: S4
(supplement) |
9. |
National Cataract Surgery Registry: Postoperative Clinically Significant Cystoid Macular Oedema
Poh EP, Choong YF, Goh PP.Am J Ophthal 2005; 139: S8 (supplement) |
10. |
National Cataract Surgery Registry –Methods
P P Lee, P P Goh, TO Lim.Am J Ophthal 2005; 139: S67
(supplement) |
11. |
Cusum – A Statistical Process Control Charting To Monitor Surgeon Performance In Cataract Surgery
Aziz.S , Y.F Choong , P.P Goh, M.Ismail ,T.O Lim.Am J Ophthal
2005; 139: S1 (supplement) |
12. |
Ocular biometric measurements in emmetric and myopic children aged 7 and 8 years in Gombak District 2003
Ramlee A, Goh PP, Mariam I.American Journal of Ophthalmology;39(4),2005. |
13. |
Amblyopia in Malaysia-Results of the refractive error study in Children
Sherlene Kee, Choong YY, Goh PP.Am J Ophthal 2005; 139: S27 (supplement) |
12. |
2004 |
Cost Efficiency and
cost effectiveness of cataract surgery at the Malaysian
Ministry of Health ophthalmic service Loo CY, Kandiah M,
Arumugam G, Goh PP, John E, Gurusami B, Kumar TV,
Karunakar TV, Azmi S, Lim TO.
ophthalmology 2004; 25:81087 |
13. |
2002 |
Prevalence of blindness and low vision in Malaysian
Population: results from the National Eye Survey 1996
Ropilah AR,IsmailS, Elias H, Goh PP et al.
Br.J Ophthalmol 2002;86:951-956 |
Publications for references
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